
In lectures one to four, we have set the stage to introduce the heart of Applied Data Science: algorithmic thinking for problem-solving. In lecture one, we learn about the scope of Data Science and the rise of Big Data. Lecture two, is an introduction to the use of inductive reasoning applied to Data Science. Lectures three and four are an overview on basic estimation using statistics and econometrics applied with R Programming. In this lecture, I cover another pillar of Data Science: Algorithm programming using control flow structures and functions.

Functions and control flow structures are the building blocks of algorithm programming. So far, we have use r-packages and more specifically FUN(X) functions, that take arguments and perform certain action. However, in this lecture, we will learn the elementary building blocks from algorithmic programming. Learning the elementary building blocks of algorithmic programming has two main advantages in your formation in Data Science. Firstly, algorithmic programming allows you to understand in detail how the functions work. I’m sure that thus far, you know that if we pass a numeric vector x, inside the functionmean(x), R somehow computes the mean. However, after learning the building blocks of algorithmic programming, we are going to be able to understand how the functions work. What is the series of steps behind the computation of certain functions? And how do the arguments of the function being used, in which order? In a nutshell, algorithmic programming enables you to deeply understand functions and packages in R.

The second advantage of algorithmic programming is that enables you to go beyond the “out-of-the-shelf” functions from the R-base and other packages. Indeed, instead of being bound to only functions from the R-base and other packages, algorithmic programming, gives you the tools to create your own functions. In general, is recommended to search first if there are no functions available to perform the action that you want. But, knowing algorithmic programming removes the constraints of only using available tools and gives you the freedom of developing tools that fulfil your particular needs. Indeed, we would like to build our own functions and algorithms in two cases. Firstly, when we can’t find a similar function in The R Base or in the packages maintained by The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Especially, if this is your first course in Data Science, you would like to verify first if there is a function on CRAN that fulfils your needs before investing time building your own function. Using a function from CRAN’s database is typically a better option, not only because we save time, but also because the code is audited by lead experts in their corresponding fields. Secondly, we may opt to build our own function when we often perform a sequential series of functions or repetitive steps. For instance, I typically use the function lapply combined with the function class to verify the class of each column from a df (data.frame) in the following manner lapply(df, class).

What is an algorithm?

An algorithm is simply a “well-defined computational procedure that takes some value, or set of values, as input and produces some value, or set of values, as output” [@cormen2022introduction]. Indeed, an algorithm serves a specific purpose and has a specific procedure designed to solve a problem. Before we start learning the necessary syntax to produce algorithms in R, we are going to understand the structure (procedure) of examples of algorithms employing pseudo-code or flow diagrams. Later, in a second step, we will revise the specific R-code that we need to produce the algorithm in R.

Example 1: Fibonacci Sequence

Input: A variable x that is the number of numbers to generate in the Fibonacci serie.

Output: A series z that is the Fibonacci serie of lenght x.

Fibonacci Sequence Generator:
graph TD A[Input x: lenght of sequence to generate] -->|Start| B(Sum the last 2 numbers) B--> C(Add the number to the series z) C--> D(Count the y of generated numbers) D--> Z{Is x = y?} Z--> |NO| B Z--> |Yes| R(Return the sequence z)

Flow controls: while and if

To implement the algorithm in Example one, we need to expand our knowledge of R operators. The operator if and while are always followed by a (...) that assesses a logical condition and some {...} brackets that perform a set of actions, ... if the condition is fulfilled. For instance, in Example 1, the input of the algorithm is a variable x that defines the number of elements to generate in the sequence. The output of the algorithm is a sequence z that has y number of elements. To generate the series we need to add one number to the series z that corresponds to the sum of the last two elements of the previous series until the total length is y. To start the algorithm we need the variable x that inputs the number of values to generate in the series z. followed by y which is the initial value of the length of z. Assuming that the user is going to request more than two numbers in the series then y>2 (Requesting less than two numbers makes the algorithm redundant).

Next, the algorithm needs to be programmed to continue doing a series of steps until the goal is reached. Remember that the goal is to produce a series z that has a total length of x. Notice that y is then the actual number of elements in the series z in each iteration of the process of adding one element to the series. To operationalize the algorithm we are going to use while(y<x){...}, which assesses the condition where y<x. The operator will perform the set of actions ... only while the condition is satisfied y<x. That means that the algorithm using while stops when y>=x (when the corresponding series z has a total length of x or more).

x <- 20L
y <- 0L
z <- c(0L, 1L)

while (y < x) {
    z[length(z) + 1L] <- sum(z[c(length(z) - 1L, length(z))])
    y <- length(z)

Example 2: Sorthing Algorithm

Input: A variable \(x={a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n}\) of n rational numbers.

Output: A permutation (reordering) of x called y such that \(y={a_1^*, a_2^*, \dots, a_n^*}\)

Source: (Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, 2022).

Sorting Algorithm
graph TD A[Input x: a series of rational numbers length n] -->|Start| B(Take 'n>=j>1' from 'x' and store it in 'key') B --> C(Location of the previous number: 'i=j-1') C --> Z{Is x_i -previous- > key -next- ? } Z --> |Yes| Y1(Swap x_i -previous with key -next- ) Y1-->Y2(Swap key-next with x_i -previous- ) Z --> |NO| B

for loop

The sorting algorithm of Example 2, takes a series x of unsorted rational numbers and using an iterative procedure (for loop) compares each value on the list with all other values in the series. Using an index of previous value i and next value j and a storing vector key the algorithm swaps places when a previous number x[i] is greater than the current number being compared (key). This algorithm performs the same action as the function sort(x) with the argument decreasing = FALSE. Therefore, the algorithm itself has no more purpose than learning how the for loop is being used in R. The most fundamental aspect of the for loop is that takes n values in a series to perform a list of steps in each iteration of the loop. In this case, the algorithm evaluates each number in the series x to verify if a previous number is bigger than the next number in the series x[i]>x[j]. If that is the case, the algorithm replaces (swaps) the previous number x[i] with the current number being evaluated x[j]

# Unsorted
x <- sample(1L:99L, 15)

# sorted with the function
sort(x, decreasing = FALSE)

# iterative sorting algorithm
for(j in 2L:length(x)){
    key <- x[j]
    i <- j - 1
    while(i>0&&x[i]>key){ #previous number in the series (x[i]) is greater than next number (key)
        x[i+1] <-  x[i] #swap previous number (x[i]) with the next number (x[i+1])
        i <- i - 1 
        x[i + 1] <- key # swap next number (key) with previous number (x[i+1])
# Sorted

Example 3: Odds and Even numbers

This example is may have only a pedagogical application. The algorithm samples one random number sample(..., 1) between one and lim to generate an x numeric series of length y of even or odd numbers.

Input: A variable lim that defines the range of numbers to sample \([1, lim]\) and the length of the series to generate. Also, we need a binary variable to switch the series from even to odd numbers.

Output: A series x of even or odd numbers.

if, else

A good analogy to understand the dynamics of if and else operators is a choice or selection between a set of possible categories.

Example 5: Choice Algorithm

Suppose you have a bag of candies with the following flavours: c("orange", "lemon", "strawberry", "mango"). Your preference is lemon above all and strawberry over orange, you dislike mango. Suppose that the bag contains 100 candies, and you are interested in how many candies you would need to take (by chance) before getting 3 lemon candies in total?

Input: A random sample c with repetition of size 100 of candies (the bag).

Output: A series x of at least three lemon candies.

candies <- c("orange", "lemon", "strawberry", "mango")

candy_bag <- sample(candies, 100L, replace = T)

lemon <- 0L
picks <- ""
c <- 1L

  pick <- sample(candy_bag, 1L)
    picks[c] <- pick
    c <- c + 1L
  }else if(pick=="strawberry"){
    picks[c] <- pick
    c <- c + 1L
  }else if(pick=="orange"){
    picks[c] <- pick
    c <- c + 1L

# Number of picks

# Distribution of picks
ggplot(, aes(x=picks, y = Freq)) +


FUN(...), functions make explicit the kind of input that we the algorithms need in the form of arguments. Functions can take n=... arguments as our implementation may require. As we mention before the operator if(...) evaluates a logical condition and it is the gatekeeper of a set of operations grouped within {} brackets. Finally, the ifelse and the else operators evaluate a set of logical conditions always after the first condition stated in the if operator.

Example 6: Even or Odd numbers

In the implementation of Example 6, the algorithm employs if and else if to select between an odd or even number. Instead of using a for loop, that has a deterministic number of iterations, the examples use a while to prevent the algorithm to stop before generating a series length y of even or odd numbers.

Input: A random sample lim that generates

Output: A series x of at least three lemon candies.

odd_even <- function(lim=100L, y=25L, even=TRUE){
    x <-  vector(mode = "numeric")
    i <- 1L
    while (length(x)<y) {
        n <- sample(1L:lim, 1L)
    if(even & n %% 2 == 0){
        x[i] <- n
        i <- i + 1L
    }else if(!even & n %% 2 != 0 ){
        x[i] <- n
        i <- i + 1L

# Generate 20 odd numbers between 1 and 1000L
odd_even(lim=1000L, y=20L, even = FALSE)

# Generate 20 even numbers between 1 and 50L
odd_even(lim=1000L, y=20L, even = TRUE)

Example 7: Randomized Hire-Assistant

Finally, example 7 employs previous control flows. Starts by assuming that there is a fixed supply of assistants in the labor market of data science. Further, it assumes that by a process of selection and interview their ability is explicit. Each candidate arrives at the interview randomly, and the goal is then to select the top candidate on a fixed number of interviews.

Input: A vector of candidates supply with a vector a of ability. Additionally, a vector of interviews that contains the max number of interviews in each experiment.

Output: A matrix H with i-rows hired assistant ability per j-column round of interviews. From this matrix, we are interested in estimating the total number of hires for each round of interviews, c(150L, 250L, 1000L, 3000L, 5000L, 10000L, 15000L),

The algorithm uses a for loop to perform an iterative selection of candidates using the vector interviews. Then selects a random sample of candidates selected for the interviews. Using a while operator each iteration continues to run until length(selected)==0. For each run, I sample one candidate for interview and remove it from the selected vector. Finally, using an if(best<interview) operator the algorithm hires a candidate if their ability is higher than the current best candidate.

h <- 1L
supply <- 20000L
hires <- 0L
a <- runif(supply)
interviews <- c(150L, 250L, 1000L, 3000L, 5000L, 10000L, 15000L)

H <- matrix(NA, nrow = supply, ncol = length(interviews))

j <- 2L
for(j in seq_along(interviews)){
    selected <- sample(a, interviews[j]) #interview candidate
    h <- 1L
    best <- 0
        i <- sample(1L:length(selected), 1)
        interview <- selected[i]
        selected <- selected[-i]
        best <- interview
        H[h,j] <- interview
        h <- h + 1L

# Total Hires
hires <-  colSums(!
names(hires) <- paste0(interviews)

# Average Hiring Ability
ability <- colSums(H, na.rm = T)
avg_ability <- ability/hires

# Plot
plot(x=interviews, y=avg_ability)


Cormen, T. H., C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, and C. Stein. 2022. Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth Edition. MIT Press.